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That Matter....




The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federally funded program which is administered and funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). The purpose of the program is to ensure that eligible children and adults who attend qualifying non-residential care facilities receive nutritious meals.


The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) ensures that low-income children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session. This summer, USDA plans to serve more than 200 million free meals to children 18 years and under at approved SFSP sites.


We work with other partners to offer these types of services year round.


We care about our homeless and families needing food.  There is great need right in our own communities to feed families. We partner with Faith, Hope and Love Ministries in Gastonia for daily feeding as well we are out in the communities. Many local food establishments assist to ensure we have enough to help feed everyone. If there is a need, we will get it met!


Contact us today for assistance. 




We offer assistance and encouragement in the form of Life Programs:


Substance Abuse

Intensive are Therapy

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Nurturing & Healing

Education for Promoting Health

Children and Teen Intensive Care Therapy

DUI Services


Ask about our Housing, Food, and Transportation Assistance!!

We're in the Community Virtually!!!

By offering different types of workshops for parents, the goal is to bring families together. We listen to our children and their parents and come up with programs which will help them the most. Some of the workshops/programs our parents participate in, but not limited to include:


  • Healthy Meals - On the Go! – Virtual workshop to show parents how to cook quick, but healthy meals for the parents which are always on the go.

  • “Get the Job” is a workshop which is a full cycle program for getting a job. GTJ consist of resume builder> marketing your brand> interviewing for the job> dress for success> job partnering.  It’s a full cycle program of helping parents to get the job and how to maintain it.

  • Financial Strategies – How to budget your money and get rid of debt with the money you already make? How to clean up your credit? Buying a House – Steps and Preparation.

  • Parent/Child – Talking about the “hard topics” – Drugs/Alcohol, Sex, Social Media, Gang Relations, Bullying, etc.


Turn Up for Homework! Homework is a reinforcement for understanding of school work introduced. It's very important to take the time and help our youth with this foundational achievement.  We reward for homework making it fun and giving our youth a sense of accomplishment daily. We see much improvement in their overall grades and self-esteem nd it can all be performed virtually!

Call us:


Contact us: 

14039 HWY 74 E. Suite A6

Indian Trail, NC 28079

© 2022 by Home for the Hungry

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