Home For The Hungry
Nutritious Meals
We pride our selves in creating great tasting healthy meals for our children. Proper nutrion is important for our children in ensuring they get the necessary nutrients needed for proper growth in their minds and bodies.
Each month we plan meals based on the State of NC Department of Health and Human Services which also partner with Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).
When planning meals and snacks, we continuously…
Increase whole grains and limit those foods added sugars
Limit foods high in fat and salt
Never serve sweetened beverages
We have specific guidelines for choosing healthy options in all major food groups. Making mealtimes educational and enjoyable is our objective. Learning to eat healthy is a lifestyle and these are life learning skills that will stay with our children forever. Our children can’t wait to go home and tell their families all the things they have learned and how to incorporate them in their families routines. Simplistic, Healthy, and Enjoyable…great combinations the family can all depend on.
By coupling good nutrition with physical activities you have a master piece of a healthy lifestyle. Activities can range from competitive sports to group activiites. The children love to wind down with theatre concepts like puppetry, dance, and so much more!!!