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Did You Know?

In the United States today, 15 million children face hunger and over half a million people are experiencing homelessness.




​How to help

Get Involved! We have many opportunities for volunteering your time to help with after schoolers, mentoring, food distribution, adult training programs, event volunteering, as well monetary donations.

Award winner

Beginning School Year 2021-2022, we will sponsor a child for receiving necessary school supplies and clothing! See Projects > Back To School Essay Entry




Big Thanks to WALMART for their donations in helping small non-profits reach the homeless!! The majority of items have been put back into the community by giving out what is needed, as well feeding. We are also receiving donations for these items to help fund land for building a brand new shelter!!!! Your donations count!!!











We would love to partner with other business as well, to ensure we can reach as many people in need as possible. Please contact us is you would like to partner, donate your time and/or resources. 

Walmart Donations


We are continually in the community at different location feeding and giving out what the community is in need. Contact us for our newest sites, dates/time. 

Holiday of Thanks!!



The Month of November and December, we are in the community at various feeding locations during our holiday seasonal months. Also think about volunteering and/or giving a donation to such a cause as feeding the Hungry!!

Call us:


Contact us: 

14039 HWY 74 E. Suite A6

Indian Trail, NC 28079

© 2022 by Home for the Hungry

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